Since the first time I had one finger, my parent said that I am a nosey kid (until now), they told me that I always want to know about everything. I often read the ensyclopedia. And I found out that I m interest to new things. Today I read about the Cave exploration. I wonder if I explore the dark cave with my body zorg, I know the first time if we entered the cave, my buddy zorg must be frightened, because he always cry out if her momrg turn off the light at night.
I want to make unexpected discovery, I am tired with the idiot iguanox. I want to go down to the deepest planet of zorg.
oya let me tell about this book is writen all about the caves. It says that caves have the same paculiar fascination which high mountains have for the climber.
Today me and zorg has a team of potholers, then we down to the deepest cave in the zorg planet, after entering the narrow gap, then we climbing down the steep sides of the cave until we come to the narrow corridor. Sometimes we wading across shallow stream or swimming across deep pools.
And then on the other part of our journey, we can hear an insistent booming sound which we find is caused by a small water spout shooting down into a pool from the roof of the cave. Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks we arrive at an enormous cavern, the size of a huge concert hall. Afer switching on the powerfull arc lights, we see great stalagmites, some of them over forty feet high, rising up like tree trunk.
Woooww..it's so great journey with my buddy, we hope in the edge of our journey, we can find a hidden treasure. hihihi... but then I hear someone is calling me...
"Wake up sweet heart, it is time to take a bath and goin to school"
OMG..that's my momrg, and it was just a dream...